Official home of the Helix digital turntable.
Greetings, weary audio traveler. If you found this page, you just might be a deep fan of interesting music and audio technology.
After starting this project, academic life took over as I took up a highly active job, developing signal processing techniques for magnetic resonance imaging.
But, after a long hiatus I am happy to report that the turntable emulator is alive and well.
Please check back soon to see the new website, and a brand new application. If you are an avid record collector or digital archivist, you won't want to miss it!
If you would like to be notified when the new site goes up, please use the Helix download form which includes a place to leave your name, email address and comments.
Version 1.1 is still available as free software. Stay tuned for more updates.
-Peter (October 29, 2021)
To run: simply download and run helix.exe on any windows system.
It is a standalone app, no installation required.
Note: there are several useful keyboard shortcuts, for example arrow keys apply a DJ "nudge" to the record, slowing or speeding it up momentarily (useful for beatmixing).
Keyboard shortcuts and user guide: pdf
play/pause: spacebar
loop playback: [shift+] L
coarse adjust pitch, volume,...: hold down right-click while left-clicking
snap pitch scale to nearest 10%: hold ctrl while clicking
show/hide pitch scale: [shift+]V
fast scratch response mode: PgUp
slow scratch response mode: PgDn
incr/decr response: shift+PgUp/PgDn
*there are more, check the pdf!
random colors [shift+] ~ (tilde)
wireframe, body, background: [shift+] 1,2,3
alpha, real, wireframe, faces: [shift+] A,Q,W,E
strobe magic: ctrl+g <-try it!!
drag & drop headshell
scratch the record
super-fine pitch control
tape style play/pause/reverse
custom colors
volume control
smart pan L/R
fast response
Lightweight design using C and OpenGL vector graphics.
Custom audio processing and graphical core in <150 kB of code.
No updates, no add-ons, just a turntable.
Helix is a turntable emulator designed for precise and accurate musical control, crystal clear graphics and fast response. Helix uses vector graphics in real world coordinates for a fast and physically accurate emulation of turntable playback.
Reach the author by email.